New awards and updates!

“Where have you been Fredrik?!”

“Well I don’t know… hiding in your closet?”

No, not really. I have been busy editing (and revising) Project 2. I am currently 3/4 through the novel. It should be ready around Thursday – Friday. Once I’m done editing I’ll send it to some friends who will read it and give feedback. While my friends read through the draft I’ll resume Project 1 and finish it.

But that’s not all I’ve been doing. Christmas and New Year’s were really busy and straight after the holidays I never seemed to have any spare time. Just last weekend I had friends over Friday to Monday. They’re coming back this Friday as well. Heck, I haven’t even shaved in almost a month! Meanwhile I’ll provide a picture of me (to the left) and a friend( to the right) from New Years! Enjoy.

If you wonder why I don’t update the site as often as I should it’s because this is what I’ve been doing. Disco dancing – with style!

Fun fact: I actually wrote a New Year’s poem to publish here to celebrate the new year. Guess that’ll have to come later on.

In the meantime I’ll go on to mention that I have received my second “Versatile Blogger Award” by Literarydormouse. To read more about the Versatile Blogger Award go to my old post by licking here. Thank you so much for nominating me! Please check out Literarydormouse’s blog!

I also received a “7×7 Blogger award” by pointsthruprose. This is my first time around getting this award. Thank you so much! So now I have to share some general things about myself, nominate 7 posts on my site I think should be read, and then nominate 7 more bloggers for the award.

Most things about myself can be found in my Biography page. So instead I’ll put 7 random facts about myself which I hope you find interesting.

  • I moved out from my parent’s home when I was 15.
  • My first (still unfinished) novel (Project 1) is largely based on real life events.
  • I sometimes brew coffee only to realise hours later that I forgot to drink it. Like now!
  • I listen to all kinds of music. Really. But I prefer orchestrated songs and symphonic metal.
  • I restarted my Playstation when Aeris (/Aerith) died because I thought I did something wrong. (If you get this one I’ll be happy).
  • I once slapped my friend because we were arguing about the rules for Magic: The Gathering. I was right and he was wrong. He refused to budge so I slapped him. He silenced for a minute. When he spoke again I slapped him once more. He silenced for a good day or two.
  • I often felt studying Creative Writing at University was a waste of time. It was not until third year I felt it actually gave something.

Now for the seven posts I urge you yo read!

  • Oceansoul – A short poem. It is very beautiful and can be interpreted in so many ways. I am proud of it.
  • Roots of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Transhumanism – An interesting posts about a possible future, much like the Human 2.0 documentary. If you haven’t played the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution you should at least read this post.
  • Another morning – A poem about one’s longing for love I think many can relate to. It’s about being alien to one’s own world, one’s life, and oneself. It speaks for itself. A must read if you ask me.
  • Dead Lover’s Scribbles – I have to confess, it’s not one of my greatest pieces. I can think of many more to put on this list instead but I think not many of you actually read it (because it’s very long). If you do have the time, please read it, reflect on it, and come back and comment on it. I would love to hear your input!
  • My treasured friend – The poem in itself is not that great but there’s a hidden message in it. A message it seems no one actually found (which surprises me). Go back, read it, and see if you can find it! Once you do it adds a whole other dimension to the poem. (HINT: I have used the same technique in many other poems on this site. I have extra lines and hidden meanings in many pieces I write. The man in white is one example).
  • Come – A short yet powerful poem. It means a lot to me because it is an expression of a situation I found myself in many years back.
  • The Road – This poem was inspired by the novel of the same name, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, which is, according to me, the best piece of literature ever written.  But that is not all. The narrator of this poem is actually the protagonist for my novel (Project 2) which was inspired by, you guessed it, The Road!.

Now for nominations. I said, already after received the Leibster blog award, that I would not pass on awards such as this before. Yet I did so when I received the Versatile blogger award the first time. What I’ll do now instead is link a few blogs that I think you should read. Then they can pick up the 7×7 award if they want – if they haven’t received it earlier, of course.

  • Espressivo – This blog has a lot of interesting texts, both blog posts, poems, and prose. She updates the blog frequently (unlike me). You should pay her a visit!
  • Ben Naga – This person has a lot of interesting posts! Not only poetry but also philosophical posts relating to politics and so on. Please go on and read!
  • A regular pakistani teenager – This is very different than most blogs you find at wordpress. His work is easy to digest yet provoking and wonderfully made.
  • Will of Heart – Nice collection of high quality poetry here. Well worth the read!
  • Douryeh – Lots of short poems. This blog is updated frequently and the many short poems makes it easy to just pass by every now and then and read a few. The best of all – they are all very good!
  • 4am Writer – I have written about her before (like many other blogs in this post). It is a very interesting blog with longer entries reflecting on how it is to be an author and how it is to write.
  • Sodstar – A true versatile blogger. Here’s everything from prose, poetry, to more personalised entries that truly makes you want to come back for more!
I’ll try not to delay my next entry as long as I delayed this one (I started writing it last week) but I am quite busy and finishing my novel that takes priority.

– F H Hakansson

19 thoughts on “New awards and updates!

  1. Ohhh thank you soo much for nominating me 😀 Yeh sorry I do post a lot, I’ve been trying to reduce my creativity levels (hahaha). Love the photo 😉 I’m pretty sure you can dance better than me – or so it looks like it. Hey shouldn’t you publish your new year poem next year? 😛 Just kidding. Congratulations on your awards!

    1. Haha you shouldn’t apologize! It just means I’ll have a lot more to read tomorrow when I will spend and hour reading blogs haha 😛
      Thank you 😉 I can’t dance at all. If that picture was short clip you’d laugh your ass off haha.
      Haha! It’ll be up here in a few days, don’t worry 😉

    2. It’s lucky the things I post are relatively short and can be read in under five minutes hey! I used to take ballet classes, but my teacher put too much pressure on me – I think he had expectations a bit too high for me – which put me right off dancing altogether. But now I sometimes dance rock with my father 😀 And I might learn salsa with my older sister. Anyhow, I was going to say it looks like you’re trying to moonwalk in your photo 😛
      Maybe I’m just a bit creative than your other readers, but I found the secret message in My Treasured Friend 😉 You can’t hide anything from me mwahahahaha!! (Evil laughter).

  2. wow, now I am totally speechless but able to share some thoughts… hahaha, oh my I got two nominations from you this is really an amazing feeling and honestly I am so touched and appreciate it a lot, Congratulations to you too, by the way photo is great and I may say u dance well …. 🙂

    1. You deserve it! 😀 It’s always nice to receive and give awards 😉 Haha thank you! Though I don’t dance nearly as well as this picture leads you to believe

  3. Great picture, Fredrik. I realize that you “say” you can’t dance, but come on, you fake it really well then! 🙂

    Okay, so you’ve nominated me for another award!?! Seriously? I truly appreciate it, but I feel like I haven’t given enough to you in return!

    I am honored and touched and I will put it to good use. So, thank you.

    First things first, though, I will be spending some time reading a few of your posts that I have missed. They sound awesome!

    1. Haha – if you ever see me in real life you’ll know how bad it really is 😉

      Well, you have give something back! Your posts. They are interesting to read and you always have interesting ideas about writing! Ideas that I tend to agree with 😀

      I hope you find my poetry to be awesome! (Even though I never really saw myself as a poet). It’s a good thing my novel’s almost ready 🙂

  4. While i was looking at the picture, i wondered which one are you but as i read on that you haven’t shaved in a month, i guess you’re the one in that green/grey shirt 😉

    Thanks so much for those wonderful words! You have no idea how truly grateful I am 🙂

    I am sorry also cuz i have also not updated my blog lately, college and studies draining the hell out of me 😦

    Thanks so much! And congrats to you 😀

    1. Yes I am 😉 The one to the left.
      You’re welcome! You deserve it for having such a wonderful blog!
      I know how it feels. I went to University and College as well. There’s hardly time for anything. Even now when all I do is write and work with my novel I hardly have time to write here.

      Congratulations to you to – and thank you for supporting me 😀

  5. Aww! Thank you so much, once again! I have been neglecting my blog recently, but you now give me reason and inspiration to make another appearance. (Trying to get a new laptop so I will have easier access…). But thanks so much, for both your loyal reading and your kind words. 🙂

    1. I’m glad I gave you some inspiration to keep blogging now 😀 But I know what you mean by neglecting the blog. I find it hard to have time to keep posting all the time. At least I’ll never stop 😉 Hopefully I will do it more often later on when I have more time

  6. Thank you for honouring me with the 7 x 7 Link Award. It’s taken me a few days to collect all the bits and pieces for my posting, but I am now under way. Thanks again.

    1. You’re welcome! I’m a bit behind as well. Need to come up with something to publish tomorrow as well as finish my synopsis for my query letter (which I still need to write). Oh well

      1. As you can see I am still behind. 🙂 I hope all went (and indeed is still going) well with you. On the other hand, I am a little surprised that you are supportive of Ayn Rand. I find her elitism impossible to stomach (not to mention her hypocrisy – check out for details). I am an incorrigible equalist, I’m afraid. (I’d say socialist, but they shat on the word. But then they shat on ‘Christian’ too so what can you do? Only invent a new word … until they sully that one too. 😦

      2. I wouldn’t call myself supportive of her ideology. I find it very interesting and I can see where she’s coming from. It is far too easy for the most important cogs and wheels of society to turn everything down and leave if they have to bear the burden of our whole world functioning when there are so many that does nothing to change it. But even if they did I believe their new society would only work for a generation or two and thus it is no long term solution.
        Yes, I do hate that the word socialism has been shat on. There are so many aspects of it that are vital (if you ask me). Free education and free health care only to name a few.

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